Loving Your Ego
Learning to Love your Ego is a long process. The first step is identifying it and appreciating that it is an integral part of you. We all have little voices in our heads – you aren’t crazy! When you hear the voices, start trying to define them and you are well on your way to differentiating between your Ego, Spirit Guides and Angels.
Remember when you were small, and your parent could make you feel even smaller by saying they were disappointed in you, that you weren’t living up to your potential? Ego has a little recording studio and will often use your parents’ voices to remind you that you are not all you think you are. But that doesn’t make it true. That doesn’t make it valid. You have to realize that as you have grown, every step you have taken is one toward being your better self, living your life’s purpose and doing the very best you can with what you have. When you allow that self-talk come in and mess up what you are now doing, you are giving your Ego too much power.
Our Ego, the “disapproving parent”, often responds based on fear, or feelings of lack of control of a situation. Ego is the voice that says you look chubby in that dress, or that you shouldn’t try something for fear of failure or potential embarrassment. When you hear your ego, try to remember that it is not always right. You are much too hard on yourself and the measures it takes to keep you ‘safe’ are often contrary to what you really want or need to do.
Ego also has a hair trigger in regard to those things you feel would potentially hurt you. It will cause rampant thoughts and work you into quite a frenzy over the littlest things.
We all have a rational mind, but usually don’t use it in regard to these little things, and then find ourselves worrying and stressed over things that really don’t deserve our attention. Learning to identify where you personally fly off the handle, or move to emotion too quickly, can help you to better live in grace.
Taking things very personally is sign that your Ego is taking over too much. Nothing happens to you, it happens around you, and how you deal with it, is very much your choice. When someone pushes your buttons, take a moment to reflect why you are responding in the manner you are. Are they reflecting something back to you that you and your Ego don’t admire about yourself? Can you step back and realize that what they have said is coming from their reality and their perception, and really not about YOU at all? Being able to step out of Ego is one of the most important things you need to learn in order to feel happy.
We also have our own personal cheerleading squad, a.k.a your Spirit Guides & Angels. You will find yours conveniently located in your subconscious supporting you, using your own intuition and connecting you to your higher self.
When you are faced with a brilliant idea or perhaps a challenge, and Ego steps up to say “don’t do it!” you have the ability to calm your mind, lovingly say “Ego, please step aside while I sort this out”. Ego will, with practice, step aside so you can have a calm, loving and positive conversation with your cheerleading squad.
So after a day of learning to connect with your higher self, you snuggle into your bed and then it happens, “Monkey Brain” has kicked in and un-snuggling has commenced… You lay there, sorting out the day’s events, yesterday’s events and the day before that, generating chaos and creating anxiety for the day to come. This, again, is your Ego in full motion.
It’s all good though! It truly believes it’s keeping you safe. Seriously. Remedy: simply say “Thank you Ego, I appreciate all you do for me and now please go away”. Now you can just relax your mind and body and receive restful messages from the Angels and Guides that you are indeed in control, good things are coming your way, and you can solve any issue that has been set before you. This will take some practice, the Ego doesn’t come with an on/off switch, but trust me you can build one.
Ego also lets us take credit for those things we should be grateful for. Starting to identify when we are coming from Ego instead of coming from a place of grace is also good practice for learning to sort out our thoughts.
When someone says “Job well done”, and you automatically say something back like “it wasn’t a big deal, anyone could have done it”, you have now started to let your Ego define our self-worth. This is not a good thing. If indeed it wasn’t a big deal, and anyone could have done it, then why did you? Step into grace and thank people instead. Resist the need to provide a compliment back as well unless you earnestly mean it. You have to learn to receive gratitude and say thank you in a graceful way or you are letting Ego take over.
Again, learning to Love your Ego can be a long process but now you have some new tools in your evolutionary accessory kit. The first step is identifying it and appreciating that it is an integral part of you. It has helped to shape you thus far. Love it even though it sometimes undermines your confidence, and step up and embrace the other voices in your head that give you love, healing and understanding. You have everything you need already within you to assist you on your path of living joyfully and with purpose. Love your Ego! It has a purpose, it has a place, and it loves you back!
So, stand in your personal power, pull the strength from your Solar Plexus Chakra, and instead ask the Angels and Guides to show you how it will work, how it can work, and how you can be successful.