Are you professional Exhibitor or maybe new to the trade show industry?
Over the years, I’ve participated in several trade show events and if there’s one thing every Exhibitor should have, it’s a container filled with items that you should always take with you to all your events.
When it comes to participating at events, I’ve learned through trial and error all sorts of things to help me to create a successful experience. Trade shows can be stressful if you’re not prepared. I remember my first few ending with me looking like I’d been through the ringer. It doesn’t have to be that way.
As much as it pains me to say it, it pays to be somewhat organized. Now I’m a fly by the seat of your pants kind of girl so organizing is not really my fun thing to do. “It’ll all work out in the end” is something I say frequently. Sure, I did well at the shows but I was frazzled at the end of those three days. Seriously frazzled.
One of my very first lessons to learn and I am happy to share with you, just in case you’ve yet to experience a trade show, is you absolutely have to have a container filled with stuff to get you and your booth up and running and stay running for 3 days. I’ve created a list for you to have a look at and download if you like.
To begin getting your Trade Show Kit together, start creating a stack of the following items:
- Scotch tape
- Duct tape: get a little colourful with this. There’s tons of cool duct tape patterns, colours and flavours to choose from and you’re not wrapping a pipe. Find something that will at least look nice in your booth if you have to go public with it.
- Scissors
- Paperclips
- Stapler
- Package of Sharpies
- Highlighter
- Printer Paper - not too much. Enough for a sign or two if you forget yours at home.
- Note pad
- Pens – not just one. I’ve gone through tons of pens at shows for my draw box. Unless you attach them to your table or draw box, they just walk away…
- Ruler
- Extension cord – I usually bring about a 20ft cord so it’s not stretched out across the floor of my booth creating a tripping hazard.
- Power bar – very handy if you need more than one cord or have lighting in your booth.
- Zip strips – these work great if you’re out of S hooks for hanging your banner.
- Cutters for zip strips – this is a must if you’re using zip strips. Scissors just don’t cut it.
- S hooks
- All in one tool or a couple of screw drivers and a pair of pliers.
- Your choice of head ache remedy, allergy remedy and cold meds. There’s nothing worse when you’re not feeling well at a show and you can’t leave.
- Business cards
- Calculator
- Nail clippers and nail file – seriously. It’s just not attractive to be picking at your fingers or munching on a hang nail.
- Band-Aids
- And last but not least: Cash box. Seriously. It’s easy to forget when you’re in a hurry.
Now that you have all your items collected, pop over the store and pick up a sturdy plastic box to put it all in. You could go with cardboard but if you plan on doing more than one show, it won’t last.
Once you have everything in your plastic container, get out one of your sharpies and mark it as your show kit. Make sure everyone in the household knows that this box is not to be raided - not even by you. As tempting as it is, your show will run much for smoothly if everything is where it should be when you need it.
One last thing, it wouldn’t hurt to leave room for a pair of good foot wear. Your feet will love you for it.
And don’t forget to fill your cash box with a float!
Gail Stamp
Lead Instigator
The New Earth Expo
PS... Did I miss anything? Please feel free to add to my list. We're a community and as such, helping each other out is what we do best ... 🙂